Olemme Avoinna
11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00


Tervetuloa Ravintola Siddhartha

The name “Siddhartha” was named after the name of Gautam Buddha, founder of Buddhism.”Siddhartha” was the name given by priest.The best and Original Nepali restaurant in the centre of Hämeenlinnä.The atmosphere of our restaurant is designed to enhance your dining experience with beautiful scene and warm music.Our chefs are specially recruited from the best restaurants in Nepal who have 8+ years working experience here in Finland and create very innovative dishes that suit all taste buds.We are always happy to prepare your food to meet your taste preference whether it be mild,medium or spicy.Our dishes are cooked with fresh local product from the Himalayan herbs and spices to add extra flavour in our cooking-giving a real authentic Nepalese dining experience.

Nepal,the country of Himalaya lies between China to the north and India to the west,east and south.Nepal is the one of the richest country in terms of bio-diversity,ranging from the mighty Himalayas with the world highest peak Mount Everest at 8,848 m and dozen of other mountains to sub-tropical forests in the south with in a span of 150 kms.

The land extents approximately 885 kms from east to west and 193 kms from north to south(area of 147,181 square kilometres) with a population of 30 millions.Nepal is a small and beautiful landlocked country rich in it’s culture,natural beauties,people,places and so on.Nepal is rich in flora and fauna as 26% of land is occupied by forest and due to variation of climate from altitude.It has more than 70 ethnic groups and more than 60 different languages that are spoken in different parts of Nepal.Nepali is the national language.Nepal is free in religion,majority of people are Hinduism.Also there are Buddhists,Muslims and Christians too.Kathmandu is the capitol city of Nepal.

Nepal, the roof of the world as the world highest peak Mount Everest(Sagarmatha) lies here which reflect its glory.Gautam Buddha who spread peace over the world was born in Nepal.Lumbini,Buddhist pilgrimage where Buddha was born in about 563 BC is still there with historical monuments.Nepal is home of Lord Shiva who is regarded as the guardian deity of the country.Nepa,l the home of largest Shiva Temple in the world,the famous Pashupatinath Temple, where Hindus from all over the world come for pilgrimage.Though Nepal is mixed with religion and culture all the people do not distinguish between religious traditions.They share common Temples and worship common deities.


Thank you for your interest towards us with a warm Nepalese hospitality. Namaste!



hyviä uutisia !!! aloitamme oman kotiinkuljetuspalvelun, tilaa ruuat kotiovelle heti.


Lounas Buffet joka päivää(Ma-pe 11:00- 15:00)

Lounas Buffet                13,50€

Lapset alle 10 vuotias   9,90€ 


1.Fried Vegetable (L,G,P,V)

Paistettuja  kasviksia soijakastikkeessa.

2.Palag Paneer(S,G,VL)

Talon tuorejuustoa pinaatti-inkivääri- cashewpähkinä -curry-kermakastikkeessa.

3.Tofu chilli(L,G,P,V)

Tofua ja paprikaa tomaatti-sipuli-chili soijakastikkeessa

4.Chicken Chaumin  (L,P)

Paistettuja kana, kasviksia ja nuudelia

5. Butter Chicken  (VL,S,G)

Yrtti-jogurttimarinoituja ja tandooriuunissa grillattuja kanafileepaloja tomaatti-voi- cashewpähkinä kermakastikkeessa

6. Lamb Masala (L,G,P)

Haudutettua lammasta, inkivääriä, tomaattia, ja tuoretta korianteria hyvin tulisessa ja mausteisessa masalakastikkeessa.

7. Fish Curry (L,G,P)

Paistettuja pangusfileepaloja inkivääri-currykastikkeessa








hyviä uutisia !!! aloitamme oman kotiinkuljetuspalvelun, tilaa ruuat kotiovelle heti.


(on site - bring along)
On weekdays from 10am to 3pm

8.00All pizzas and kebabs + 0.35 l drink Salad on site or with you



Nyt voit tilata Pikapizzasta kotiinkuljetuksen!

toimitusaika on max. 1h

We buy all our raw materials from Finnish wholesalers!

We serve you:

Every day from 10am to 10pm


cash, lunch vouchers, or credit and debit cards. Please advise if you use a credit or debit card when ordering. Orders will be closed ½ hour before closing time.



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11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 20:00


11:00 - 15:00
11:00 - 15:00
11:00 - 15:00
11:00 - 15:00
11:00 - 15:00

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